Custom user fields in backend?

This topic contains 8 reply and 3 voices, and was last updated by Nayem 9 years, 1 month ago
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February 24, 2015 at 8:29 pm 37562
Nayem Hello, If I create a registration form with custom fields, they don't appear as a custom user field if I click on a user in the wp backend. Do I need e.g. wp members in addition to create the fields for the backend or is that also possible with WP User Frontend Pro?
February 25, 2015 at 10:38 am 37588
Nayem Nayem

Hello Joshi,

Please make sure that you have selected the registration form for the user role. Please navigate to WPUF->Settings->Login/Registration. Here you will see something like this-

February 27, 2015 at 3:00 am 37767
joshi joshi


March 2, 2015 at 8:58 pm 38009
joshi joshi

Another question please:
I have some more registration forms that I only use as an profile update form. At registration, the user only types in the most important fields. After signing up, he can set more options on different pages with different registration forms.

How can I have the settings of all registration forms be visible in the wordpress backend (user settings).

Thank you

March 3, 2015 at 4:06 pm 38079
Nayem Nayem

Hello Joshi,

I am really sorry to say that it is not possible. We do no have such kind of feature.

Thank you 🙂

March 3, 2015 at 5:21 pm 38086
joshi joshi

Started 4 topics in the forum and never got a satisfactory answer (except the first part of this topic). Why always say “No” instead of giving some piece of code which you could also use for the next version to improve your plugin or offer it as an addon. Or at least giving a hint for a workaround. Your customers would be satisfied and would love to stay subscribed instead of even thinking about altervatives. That’s what I’m expecting from a premium plugin and it usually is the case (bought a lot of premium plugins. Sometimes had a few custom desires whem implementing them, got some help, had a good feeling with the plugin and didn’t need the support for a long time anymore).

Anyway, my workaround for this problem: Creating another registration form with duplicates of all fields from other registration forms and set this as the main one (doesn’t seem to work for file uploads, unfortunately).

March 3, 2015 at 6:27 pm 38096
Nayem Nayem

Hello Joshi,

I can understand you. But every day we get many request to customize or extended feature. So it is not possible to provide support for customize work.

Your registration form is not working- Please make sure that you have inserted your form id correctly and set the correct registration page to register user.

Thank you 🙂

March 29, 2015 at 12:40 am 40194
Jona Jona

I was just going to ask about this also. I need a Pre Activation/Registration form and a Post version.
In a future version, is it possible to make a field have a choice to show during initial registeration and have fields show after registeration or email confirmation?

March 29, 2015 at 10:55 am 40222
Nayem Nayem

Hello Jona,

I will keep this feature request in my log. I will notify to our developer team about this. Hope they will think about it to implement this feature in our next release.


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