Exclude Cash On Delivery Payments

Dokan Multi Vendor Documentation

If an order is placed on cash on delivery, the admin has the option to exclude cash on delivery payments from vendor withdrawal balance (COD). This feature is for Dokan Lite.

To do that, go to Dokan-> Settings and select Withdraw option

This image shows Dokan withdraw option

Now, select the Exclude COD Payments option.

This image shows how to exclude payments

Now, if you go to the vendor dashboard, select Order option.

This image shows Dokan order option

Now click on any order placed by the customer.

This image shows how to choose order

As you can see, if the order is placed on Cash on delivery then there will be note where it will be stated, “Payment to be made upon delivery. Order status changed from Pending payment to Processing

This image shows Dokan order note

However, the earning report will show $0 balance.

This image shows Dokan order option

You can check out this video as well,