Here we are again ! with some new features for WordPress Project Manager .
You asked and we listened
Yes, from very first day when this plugin come out everyone were requesting for Front-end feature. So, here you go !
It comes up as plugin which will extend main WP Project Manager's features and give you ability to show up projects on front-end in to any page with shortcode.
[cpm id="PROJECT_ID" ]
Bug Fixed
- any user could edit/delete any users message
- file url hidden on files tab
- only date was showing on single message details, time added
WP Project Manager on other Languages
– French translation added
If you translate this plugin in to another language and want to help the community to get it , feel free to email us the files in to “info at” . We will add your name into contribution list as thank you gift.
Our development team working hard to get these things on your hand as soon as possible. We are on final testing stage.
We have a dedicated Support Forum here for help if any issues comes up.
Thank you.