Hello Guys

After a few days of work we have finally released the new version of our Wp User Frontend Pro Plugin, the version 2.1.4. Along with this new update we have fixed a lot of the issues and glitches of the previous version, plus we brought to the table some exclusive features. For a complete list of feature and edited files read more below:

New Features And Fixes….

* [bugfix] edit post permission checking
* [bugfix] WYSIWYG Text cut off after using “&”
* [improve] user avatar image url changed from relative to full url. fixes multisite bug
* [improve] `wpuf_can_post` filter gets more parameters
* [improve] repeatable fields separator changed from comma(,) to pipe(|)
* [improve] featured image in dashboard is now linked to posts
* [new] google map autocomplete address feature
* [new] file links added in admin panel post edit custom fields area
* [new] payment gateway bank added
* [new] validation filter added on new/edit post: `wpuf_update_post_validate`, `wpuf_add_post_validate`
* [new] private post status added on dashboard query
* [new] dashboard table hooks added: wpuf_dashboard_head_col, wpuf_dashboard_row_col
* [new] post draft option added. posts now can set to draft for later usage
* [new] default post category option
* [new] dashboard query filter added: `wpuf_dashboard_query`
* [new] teeny rich textarea added

Written by

Nizam Uddin

Nizam Uddin is the Co-founder and CEO of weDevs. He is a passionate and ambitious entrepreneur and a team leader who likes to use his entrepreneurial skills to create things that help people. He is involved with a number of startups that use technology to improve people’s lives and humanity. His ultimate professional goal is to combine technology and business to develop something that will help improve people’s lifestyle and contribute to the country’s economic growth.