A quickfix on WP User Frontend Pro – v2.1.10

WP User Frontend Pro didn't see any update in months, but no need to worry about that. We are working on some pretty big enhancement on the Pro version. Conditional logic, big updates on subscription feature, coupon codes with some performance improvements on the works.

But as it requires some time to do the release, I thought to fix those bugs on that version. But as we are getting some complains already, here's a quick bugfix release with v2.1.10 has been pushed just now.

* [fix] Password meter fix
* [fix] Insert Photo 3.9 compatibility fix on tinyMCE
* [fix] Multiple duplicated form elements on the editor
* [fix] Password repeat bug fix when no repeat field is there

But we are pretty excited with updates coming on the new version – v2.2. Lets hope for the best.

Tareq Hasan
Written by

Tareq Hasan

Tareq is the founder of weDevs. His work, dream and passion is creating something new. He spends his entire time thinking and creating solution specific for WordPress. He is a PHP lover, WordPress hacker, *nix user, movie addict. He contributed to WordPress Core.

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