Important Update for WP User Frontend Pro
Till now, if someone has the free version of WP User Frontend installed on their site and wants to add the Pro version features, then they have to delete the entire plugin and install the paid version. This process always created questions in our user's mind and we had to answer the same question over and over again.
Deleting a plugin and installing takes 2 minutes and the features of WP User Frontend will be unavailable for this period. That concerned our users. So we found a workaround for this issue.
What is the big change?
This update will affect the Pro version users only.
From the next update, you do not have to delete the free version. You just need to install an extra plugin to enable the extra features that are available on the pro plugin.
If you are already using the Pro version, then after this update, you will be asked to install the Core Plugin available at WordPress.org.
So instead of one single plugin, the Pro version users will have two plugins. One core and another for the Pro features.
How will it work?
If you click update link, the old plugin folder will be deleted and the new module will be installed and you will be prompted to install the free version.
You just have to click the install button. The system will pull the plugin from WordPress.org server and install on your site and you're back to business. This whole process will not take more than 2 minutes.
New My Account Shortcode
We have added a new shortcode for the user account page. If you use the shortcode [wpuf_account]
then it will show all the related information for the respective user.
If you have any question or need any clarification, please feel free to comment below. We will answer all your questions as soon as possible.