Collaboration is a powerful term that can help to achieve almost anything. While some people thrive for learning new things, others try to connect and share their knowledge. This is how the basic collaboration works. Ultimately, we get a better place to live in.

Now the tough question – ‘How WordPress fits in this situation?’

WordPress is one of the top content management systems out there. Undoubtedly, it is the most popular and most favored CMS. Contribution and collaboration have always been the heart of WordPress. Now, let’s find out how learning, connecting and contributing works for WordPress.

Open Source Nature of WordPress

We all know WordPress is an open source platform where anyone can contribute to help each other. This was the basic idea how WordPress is ruling over the Internet with almost 33% of world’s websites being created with it.

All these was possible thanks to the collaboration of each contributor. In WordPress, contributors are the king. They are the ones who invent and develop exciting new things and share them with the world. This is the potential we have been seeing for the last decade.

WordCamps – A Great Place to Learn, Connect and Contribute

The main purpose of WordPress can be stated as – Learn Connect Contribute. In WordCamps, you can meet people who do everything WordPress! So, the purpose of WordPress can be fulfilled there. You can learn many things from different amazing sessions that take place in WordCamps, connect with those awesome people and finally contribute!

Recently, I have attended 4 different WordCamps including WC Pokhara 2018, WC Ahmedabad 2018, WC Kolkata 2019 and WC Kathmandu 2019. I even spoke as a panelist at WordCamp Kathmandu and shared my views on “Marketing Fundamentals to level up your WordPress Business.” I learned a lot from other sessions as well. Besides that, meeting new people from all around the world who Work with WordPress was really fun.

So without a doubt, WordCamps are a wonderful place for people who wants to learn and share their knowledge. It is also a great place for communicating and connecting with new people. You will get to see developers, designers, content writers and researchers from all over world. Isn't that exciting?

Maybe you have been contributing towards WordPress community and talked to many people online. If you get the chance to meet those people in person, wouldn’t it be great?

Apparently, it is one of the most easiest way to become a part of the big and wonderful world of WordPress. There are many WordCamps happening all over the globe. Why don’t you give one of those (the nearest one from your home) a try?

Contribution is Easier than You Think!

There are many other scope of contributions to WordPress. It doesn’t mean only visiting WordCamps would make you a contributor. You can contribute in many other ways including writing docs, helping in WordPress marketing, attending meetings and share your ideas, develop certain parts of WordPress, fix bugs and submit your codes to the core. There is no end to it. You can contribute if you really want to and it really isn’t that hard.

We organize WordPress Meetups at Dhaka every month and I, myself have co-organized 5 of them. I am not a developer, I am the Head of Marketing at weDevs. However, I love WordPress because of its open-source nature and awesome features.

We will be attending WordPress Translation Day #4 as well and we have pledged to contribute as much as possible on that day. There will be hundreds of local events just to celebrate the WordPress Translation Day #4. You should join too. Check the local events here.

WordPress Translation Day #4

On 11 May 2019, contributors from all over the world will celebrate WPTranslationDay 4. It is a full day (24 hours) event and everyone will dedicate this marathon to the translation of core WordPress, themes, and plugins.

“WordPress Translation Day #3” here at weDevs

The international community will work together either digitally or physically. Many local communities have already planned to celebrate the day sitting, collaborating and working together. Not only that, many live events will be held online, where you can join and contribute.

Why It is Important

This is a potential scenario of learning, connecting and contributing together for a greater goal. The people who will participate here are not pros, they are average users like every one of us. Yet, they are dedicating a whole day for this great cause. If they successfully translate WordPress in different other languages, a lot of people will be able to use WordPress in their own languages.

Learn Connect Contribute the Output is Today's WordPress

When we help each other out, something special is found as output. Like I said before, everyone participating or contributing to WordPress does not have similar capabilities. But they still want to help and that's important. Contributors with greater knowledge connect with others and share those valuable insights. This is how general users learn new things and this contribution is what made WordPress better.

A great example is the last Translation Day event. We took Bengali, the native language of Bangladesh at 100%! Yes, we made WordPress available in Bengali on that day and this year, we will do the same. We will keep our promise and make available for Bangladesh people.

The Commitment of The King

Contributors are the king of WordPress. They are the ones who made WordPress the best open source content management system till date. Thanks to the king, WordPress is still growing rapidly. The commitment of learning, connecting and sharing is the key that drives the king for greater good. With helping each other and collaborating, they can make WordPress, also the world a better place.

We can think about the WordPress Translations Day, where the king will contribute to the translation of WordPress plugins, themes and also the core. This is a great opportunity for everyone to gather and make WordPress suitable for each other. The day is not that far when WordPress will be available in each and every language of the world and WordPress Translation Day can be the key to this future.

General users like us should definitely utilize this event for better results. This way, we will be able to pass it down to new and existing contributors for making WordPress a better place for everyone. So, Learn. Connect. Contribute.


Written by

Mainul Kabir Aion

Data Story Teller, Content Strategist, and WordPress Blogger. Passionate about Researching, Data Analysis, and Email Marketing. Always ready to learn new things and take challenges. Loves to help and empower team members.