WP User Frontend Pro version 2.1.4 Updated
Hello Guys
After a few days of work we have finally released the new version of our Wp User Frontend Pro Plugin, the version 2.1.4. Along with this new update we have fixed a lot of the issues and glitches of the previous version, plus we brought to the table some exclusive features. For a complete list of feature and edited files read more below:
New Features And Fixes….
* [bugfix] edit post permission checking
* [bugfix] WYSIWYG Text cut off after using “&”
* [improve] user avatar image url changed from relative to full url. fixes multisite bug
* [improve] `wpuf_can_post` filter gets more parameters
* [improve] repeatable fields separator changed from comma(,) to pipe(|)
* [improve] featured image in dashboard is now linked to posts
* [new] google map autocomplete address feature
* [new] file links added in admin panel post edit custom fields area
* [new] payment gateway bank added
* [new] validation filter added on new/edit post: `wpuf_update_post_validate`, `wpuf_add_post_validate`
* [new] private post status added on dashboard query
* [new] dashboard table hooks added: wpuf_dashboard_head_col, wpuf_dashboard_row_col
* [new] post draft option added. posts now can set to draft for later usage
* [new] default post category option
* [new] dashboard query filter added: `wpuf_dashboard_query`
* [new] teeny rich textarea added