Configuring Facebook
To configure Facebook registration/login, you’ll need to create a Facebook app and insert the AppID and AppSecret on the settings page.

The ‘Site Url’ will be needed to create the App on Facebook.
How to Get AppID and AppSecret from Facebook App?
Creating a Facebook app is not a too technical thing. You can easily do it by clicking on the ‘Create an App’ link indicated on the image above or go directly to

Give your App name and your contact email address. You can choose any name related to your website or anything that you can recognize in the future.
→ Select the App type as ‘Facebook Login.

Set your ‘App Domains’ and ‘Site URL’ from the Settings→Basic tab. Indicated in the screenshot below.

Set the same ‘App Domains’ and ‘Site URL’ in the Settings→Advanced tab. Indicated in the screenshot below.

After this, you need to set the new Redirect URI according to your registration form in the Share Redirect Domain Whitelist.
- Paste the redirect URL you copied
- Paste the site URL

Save Changes and navigate to the Facebook Login→Settings tab next. Set the 0Auth redirection URLs that you previously set with your registration form ID. Don’t forget to mark yes on ‘Client OAuth Login’, ‘Web OAuth Login’ and ’Embedded Browser OAuth Login’ as indicated in the image below.
And also enable the Login From Devices.

N.B: Don’t do any mistake the configuration shown in the 2 images above. This is the most important part.
→Now, copy and paste your AppID and AppSecret from your app dashboard.

→Paste this ID and Secret into the setting page as shown in the image below.

Click on the Save Changes– you are all done configuring Facebook registration/login setting here.
Now click on the Facebook icon on the login/registration page to login/register with your Facebook account to your website.

Voila! You'll be asked to sign in to authorize the app.