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July 8, 2013 at 5:44 am 5678
Alexis Media Alexis Media

What permissions have you built into the plugin that it requires?

July 8, 2013 at 3:39 pm 5684
Tareq Hasan Tareq Hasan

Actually it works out-of-the-box with any permission (subscriber/contributor/author/admin/). I haven’t found any single report like this with the plugin. Can you try in the default twentytwelve theme disabling all the plugins?

July 9, 2013 at 12:12 am 5704
Alexis Media Alexis Media

Im using custom user roles which is why i need to know what user permissions the plugin is looking for.

July 9, 2013 at 3:06 am 5714
Tareq Hasan Tareq Hasan

Actually it doesn’t require any specific user roles. That way with WPUF, every user role (even guests) can upload photos, where in standard WordPress Subscriber and Contributors can’t upload any photos. So the problem with you doesn’t really makes sense.

July 10, 2013 at 6:37 am 5829
Alexis Media Alexis Media

It doesnt your right which is why im beating myself up trying to figure it out. Your more than welcome to sign in with the details and have a look for yourself. Perhaps something im missing.

July 10, 2013 at 7:45 am 5830
Mahi Mahi


Can you please list your current issues, so we can check it out one by one ?

July 10, 2013 at 10:49 pm 5844
Alexis Media Alexis Media

Only admin accounts can edit profiles it seems. Users cant upload images and “undefined” error when saving profile.

User avatar field isn’t working for anyone. Upload seems to work ok but after page save the image is gone.

If you look through the messages here you can find all the login info.

July 11, 2013 at 3:33 am 5851
Tareq Hasan Tareq Hasan

Can you give me access? Post the login details in a private reply.

July 12, 2013 at 10:51 am 5903
Alexis Media Alexis Media

If you look through the messages here you can find all the login info.

admin accounts and user account logins are on the first page. Including links to affected pages.

July 12, 2013 at 4:55 pm 5911
Tareq Hasan Tareq Hasan

Definitely a plugin conflict, I tested with the testing user. Seems like some plugin is blocking the ajax request to /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php and redirecting the request to the homepage.

July 13, 2013 at 7:45 am 5928
Alexis Media Alexis Media

Does seem to work now. It was actually a cript in the functions page.

The only thing i see now is the avatar field dont seem to save.

July 13, 2013 at 8:26 am 5929
Alexis Media Alexis Media

Also seems i cant call images. Text is just fine but images are just being returned as a number.

July 13, 2013 at 8:32 am 5930
Mahi Mahi


For Avatar why not use Default Avatar field ? You are using Custom avatar image upload field.

Try with default one and see if it works.

July 13, 2013 at 8:45 am 5931
Alexis Media Alexis Media

I have already tried using the default one and like i said its not saving the image.

Does seem to work now. It was actually a cript in the functions page.
The only thing i see now is the avatar field dont seem to save. – comment #5928

I have more than one image field. It seems its echoing the attachment id and not the image url.

Viewing 14 Topics - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)