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December 4, 2014 at 5:19 pm 31833
Joanne Joanne


The text opposite the user name is correct format

the Start date and end date is not in the right format when you click
the calender

Is this what you see your end when you are setting the dates in the
boxes – turned the wrong way around ?

weDevs Team wrote:

Alfredo Pernin wrote:

I think the calendar is a different file-subplugin. I remember I had to add
week numbers and change the starting day to Monday in a js minified file –
the issue is somewhere in the support forum (search for Alfredo and you’ll
find it). So no, I don’t expect it would affect the calendar. This would
affect milestones, time logger plugin, todo lists, etc.


December 4, 2014 at 5:34 pm 31836
Alfredo Alfredo

OK, I think I understand. What you call the calendar is not the actual big Calendar in the front-end, but a date-picker, where you for example choose start and end for time tracking a todo.

Yes, you’re right, the date-picker is wonky, it has its own files and isn’t affected by the changes we’ve been discussing. I have an open ticket because, for me, it sometimes reads UK time, and I’m on CET… mixes one time with another. And another now closed ticket because while I didn’t like US format in the date-picker, the resulting written date was in the right format and wedevs felt it wasn’t a big issue…

Mind you, it wasn’t a big issue for me, but does cause confusion when more than one person is using the date-picker. In my case it’s only me, other users cannot make their own changes 😉


December 4, 2014 at 7:05 pm 31854
Joanne Joanne

yes – Luckly I spotted that the date text was correct – one would assume that the date picker being in the wrong format would not result in the lines of text being shown correctly. I just told my client – that even though it SEEMS to be wrong it is actually right…and to ignore the fact that the start date and end date as shown in the boxes the wrong way around will auto correct themseleves.

Really if you think about it – the program should have a settings button to set your region like most other calander plugings have in their settings on set up.

Thank you for sticking with my wooees… its nice to know that another user out there is prepared to pass on some of their knowledge and fixes to us in strife!

good luck!


December 8, 2014 at 1:54 pm 31982
Sekander Badsha Sekander Badsha

Thank you @Alfredo for being such a kind heart.

For you both, the direction was correct. The date format and the time zone function is located in “includes/functions.php” file.
There is a filter named cpm_get_date.
You can use that to do anything to do with date.


December 8, 2014 at 2:13 pm 31983
Joanne Joanne


OK when I chage the functions code – it does change the TEXT date BUT
does not change the pop-up calender where you pick the add to do list ‘
start date and end date’ – the calender is still in USA time and the
date in the box is 5/6/15 instead of 6/5/15 —

function cpm_get_date( $date, $show_time = false ) {

$date = strtotime( $date );

if ( $show_time ) {
$format = get_option( ‘date_format’ ) . ‘ ‘ .
get_option( ‘time_format’ );
} else {
$format = get_option( ‘date_format’ );
//$format = ‘l, F j, Y’;
$date_html = sprintf( ‘%2$s’, date( ‘c’, $date ), date_i18n(
$format, $date ) );

return apply_filters( ‘cpm_get_date’, $date_html, $date );

any ideas how to make the calender picker AUSTRALIAN time zone


Sekander Badsha wrote:

Thank you @Alfredo for being such a kind heart.

For you both, the direction was correct. The date format and the time zone
function is located in “includes/functions.php” file.
There is a filter named `cpm_get_date`.
You can use that to do anything to do with date.


December 8, 2014 at 6:01 pm 31995
Alfredo Alfredo

Joanne, what you refer to is the date picker. Sekander said, about four months ago in this same thread, that wedevs won’t be doing anything about that at the moment.

I still think this is an issue (more nagging than anything, but still), and pretty sure it’s tied to the other issues we’ve been discussing. All seem to relate to the date picker implementation in one way or another, and probably if one of them is fixed, the others will go too.

Still, IMO there’s no point taking it up until the update is in at the end of the month. After that, if the issue still is there, then I’ll have another go.

I couldn’t find the date picker in the code, but I suppose it’s there somewhwere. We’ll see 🙂

December 9, 2014 at 11:04 am 32019
Joanne Joanne

yes – we will have to wait and see.. hopefully it will be there for
those users who view the things the other way around!

December 31, 2014 at 5:45 am 33200
Zoltan Zoltan

Hi, please make it selectable by the admins. Yes, I know, I have comment out only one line but from the backend would be better. Regards, webNpro

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