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September 21, 2013 at 3:46 am 8382
k69rocks k69rocks

Hi Tareq,

this problem is perceiving with other themes as well, most of them actually.

How do I resolve this with the above code? What variable needs to be changed with each theme where the problem persists?

Thanks once again.

This is the site:

September 21, 2013 at 4:07 am 8384
k69rocks k69rocks

Hi Tareq,

so the problem seems to be persisting on other themes as well, almost all actually.

Can I use the code above and change the variable of each theme, which seems to be theme name?

I just tried it on a woothemes theme, Hustle, and it didn’t change a thing. It seems odd that the featured image in WPUF in the Form doesn’t convert in the single post. Works fine on the excerpt on frontpage and in the archives but not on the single post page.

Not on all themes, but most. And instead of bothering you each time about this, I would just need the workaround each time I use WPUF with a theme that doesn’t accept the featured image in the post.


P.S. Site is

September 21, 2013 at 4:08 am 8385
k69rocks k69rocks

Sorry about the double, I thought the first one didn’t go through, because I didn’t see it on the first refresh. 😉

September 21, 2013 at 10:50 am 8389
Tareq Hasan Tareq Hasan

Hello Richard,

Can you describe how it’s not working on themes? Don’t you see the featured image when you go to post edit in wp-admin of that post?

September 21, 2013 at 6:19 pm 8398
k69rocks k69rocks

Yes, I see it there, but not on front-end post. It seems Hustle only uses image in post when it is actually in post. I hate when themes do that, lol. 🙂 This theme doesn’t allow for this, I stand corrected. I will let you know when I use a theme that doesn’t show it in the backend.:) Thanks, Tareq! Have a good weekend!

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