How to Add "Visual/Text" Tabs to MCE Editor in a WPUF Form

This topic contains 2 reply and 2 voices, and was last updated by pmanofsky 10 years, 9 months ago
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July 17, 2013 at 11:10 am 6058
pmanofsky Hi weDevs, I like to use the rich text editor when it comes to editing and creating posts, but almost all of the time it is very useful to have the option of seeing it in plain text. I want to be able to make my form editor have the same tabs ("visual" and "text") that are on the editor within the Wordpress backend for post creation. I have been able to achieve this by editing the plugin's php code, finding the place where the code calls on "wp_editor();" and changing the settings to include the visual and plaintext tabs. However, the problem is that I have to do this every time I update WPUF Pro. Is there a way to do this using Action Hook's? I am not very familiar with them, so if it is possible could you please walk me through it? I am pretty good at programming, I just haven't studied much about Wordpress plugin development (which I probably should). Thank you so much for all the help, Phil Manofsky
July 17, 2013 at 4:29 pm 6066
Tareq Hasan Tareq Hasan

Sadly there isn’t any filter and action to modify the arguments in wp_editor function in WPUF.

But using the action hook tutorial, you should be able to insert your own post body instead of the plugin’s one and solve your problem. You don’t to follow the step 3, just give the textarea name to post_content

July 18, 2013 at 1:24 pm 6104
pmanofsky pmanofsky

Thanks Tareq! I got it to work. Hopefully it stays that way! I couldn’t have done it without your help. I really appreciate it. 😀
– Phil

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