PayPal Adaptive Payments Add-on for Dokan (QUESTIONS)
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July 4, 2014 at 4:59 am 22900 | |
Hello. Pre sale questions. =) 1. Where do vendors place their Paypal emailadress for parallel or chained payments? 2. What paypal-account does vendors needs? Just a personal account or a business account? 3. If a customer is buying at site, and pay with paypal. What order-status the order get? Does the vendor see if they got payed or if the order is canceled? 4. If I use parallel payment as option, how the checkout looks like? For example Product1 from vendor1, product2 from vendor2 and commission 10% to site owner? Or how it looks like? Any demo please? 5. Does the withdraw-section gets hidden when enable the adaptive-paymnets ad-on? 6. If I use chained payments, can I set all fees on vendors and no fee for first receiver? Cheers / O | |
July 4, 2014 at 5:04 am 22901 | |
Question 4 again: Does the customer see the commission to site owner or does the customer just see the product from the 2 vendors? (And then paypal split the payment behind the scene and send the site owner the commission of the 2 product) Sorry for bad english.. =) Haha Think u get it, right? =) Cheers / O | |
July 5, 2014 at 1:16 pm 22961 | |
Hello Olof, Here is the answer. 1. Where do vendors place their Paypal emailadress for parallel or chained payments? 2. What paypal-account does vendors needs? Just a personal account or a business account? 3. If a customer is buying at site, and pay with paypal. What order-status the order get? Does the vendor see if they got payed or if the order is canceled? 4. If I use parallel payment as option, how the checkout looks like? For example Product1 from vendor1, product2 from vendor2 and commission 10% to site owner? Or how it looks like? Any demo please? 6. If I use chained payments, can I set all fees on vendors and no fee for first receiver? Thank you. 🙂 | |
July 6, 2014 at 5:29 pm 23051 | |
Hello again. (If i use Parallel Payment) Question 2 again. Are u sure a business account is needed?? =/ Talked to Paypal in Sweden and they said the vendors just need a personal account, this must be the option for me otherwise regular people can’t sell on my site. Can u check one more time and see if you maybe need business account if u use chained payment perhaps?? I wanna use parallel payments and hope vendors can either have personal account or business account. Cheers / O =) | |
July 7, 2014 at 12:16 pm 23090 | |
While developing the PayPal Adaptive plugin, we were using in sandbox mode. So while testing we found out it works only in vendor/marchant accounts, not sure why. But if the folks from PayPal saying it’ll work, then it’s fine. It really depends on PayPal, not on us 🙂 |