Save as Draft – redirect page

This topic contains 1 reply and 2 voices, and was last updated by Tareq Hasan 10 years, 3 months ago
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January 26, 2014 at 7:12 pm 14787
Tareq Hasan Hi. Excellent plugin. Well worth the $$ for Pro. The 'redirect' settings for both post and edit work great, but there is no setting to redirect for when it saves as 'draft'. I'd like to be able to redirect them after 'save as draft'. I don't mind 'hard coding' this, but that would break each time the Plugin was updated. I don't even really mind that either. I can just add the code snippet each time. I can see the redirect code for Post and Edit are here: frontend-form-post.php ------- if ( $is_update ) { if ( $form_settings['edit_redirect_to'] == 'page' ) { $redirect_to = get_permalink( $form_settings['edit_page_id'] ); ------- What is the proper code and where would I add this 'redirect' code for when the user 'saves as draft'? I want to redirect to a page. Thanks, Dave thanks Dave
January 27, 2014 at 9:41 pm 14817
Tareq Hasan Tareq Hasan

Users doesn’t get redirected when the posts are saved as draft, the posts just gets saved via ajax. So maybe you can’t do that.

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