WPUFpro and Theme My Login Error ?
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August 14, 2013 at 12:39 pm 6943 | |
Hi, I got a little problem. I use the plugin "Theme My Plugin" all works well. Now I create a registration via "WP User Frontend pro". Then when I go to SETTINGS -> PROFILE and check the checkbox "Registration link override" and select the page register from "theme my login". Sure I put the register form into the register page. But now the links for "forgotten password" (Passwort verloren) are wrong. How to fix that? Cheers, Denis | |
August 14, 2013 at 6:20 pm 6956 | |
I just came to post the same question. On the log in screen using Theme My Login, there are two links below the username and password entry fields: “Register” and “Lost Password”. When “Registration link override” is NOT checked in wpufpro settings, the “register” links to the Theme My Login registration (not desired because I have a custom form created with wpufpro) and the “lost password” link correctly directs to the /lostpassword page. However, When “Registration link override” IS checked, the “register” link now correctly links to the wpufpro registration form, but the “lost password” link directs back to the /login page. Either way “registration link override” is checked, one of the links in user log in does not work and there is no setting in theme my login to customize these links. Thoughts? | |
August 15, 2013 at 3:41 pm 6987 | |
Thank you guys for bring this issue up. Will come back shortly with a solution. I guess its happening cause “Theme my Login” plugin been upgraded again. |