How to Use an eCommerce Tracking Tool to Know your Audience
How do you measure what is working and what is not for an online store?
If you are the owner of a physical store you will be able to see and understand when customers come into your store, what they are looking for, what they find difficult when they are in the buying process of a product etc. and you can then act based upon that.
But what if you are running a full-featured marketplace but in an online environment. Would you be able to measure your customer's activities to know what they are up to? The answer is Yes and that is what we will be learning here today.
Why Measure Online Store Activities
Managing an online store is a tough job. Maybe one of the hardest out there. You have to always keep up to date with the latest trends and technology, maintain proper customers support, keep check of your vendors and product quality and more.
But wait! Not everything is so tough. The rise and availability of the internet and its' huge number of useful tools have made the game much easier than ever.
Click tracking tool as it is normally called have given marketplace owners the same convenience of a physical store. This nifty feature will let you observe the activities of your visitors and customers.
And based on the data provided, you will be able to take the proper action on it.
How To Observe Online Activities
Getting started is easy. Once you get a tracking tool simply add it to your site. For that, you need to have access to the backend. There, in the <head> section add the code that the tracking tool will provide you with.
This will allow the tracking tool that you chose to connect to your site and start tracking customer activities. It will send information about what a user clicks on, what his/her activities were when they came to your site and so on.
If you are using WordPress as your content management system then you are in luck. Because WordPress provides lots of plugins that make this process much easier nowadays.
All you need to do is install the plugin, set the pixel for your analytics tool, enable what events you want to track and hit save. That's it.
If you are interested in this you can check out our plugin WooCommerce Conversion Tracking, that is ideal tracking tool for beginners to all the way for experts.
Learn About WooCommerce Conversion Tracking
What should you track?
The big question that comes down to is what are the metrics you should track. In general, you should track all the information that is relevant. From product views to people who have added products to their carts are necessary pieces of information.
You will be able to fine-tune your ad showing capabilities, customers support capabilities and more with all this valuable info.
As a use case scenario if you show shoe ad to a tracking customer who has just recently purchased a Paperback book from your eCommerce store, that will be extremely irrelevant to the consumer and at the same time will leave a bad impression about you and your business.
With the help of these tools, you can know who viewed exactly what category of product and show ads that are the most relevant to them. It will increase the conversion rate and in the process increase the revenue numbers for your store too.
Some Key Metrics Among Many
Among the sea of metrics data, there are a few that really stands out. We have given a few examples of how these metrics will help you to up your game.
Tracking Tool To Measure Who Have Added A Product To Their Cart
This is a very important part of your eCommerce website. If a user has added a product to their cart, it is pretty much clear that he/she had an intention of buying that specific product.
If you could track and analyze that data, use it to show some sort of discount for that specific product alone or that group of products it will be a real advantage to have over your competitors.
Retarget Those Who Have Purchased A Product From You
Returning customers are your biggest asset. If you can tap in that already existing resource then it will do wonders for your business.
If we are to put in numbers repeat customers spend 300% more RjMetrics
With tracking tools, you can retarget them and show the products that they are most likely to buy, again.
Searched For A Product They Are Interested In
Don't forget, people who searched for a product showed interest in a specific category or product with their own consent. That's a huge business scope that you should never miss out on.
It means if you show them products which match their interest they will find your advertisement helpful rather than boring.
Added To Wishlist From Their Account
Wishlist is an integral part of an eCommerce business. If one of your customers added a product to their wishlist then it shows that they are/were interested in your products but the buying process was hampered for some reason.
And if you use that data and offer them products of the same type or category than they are more likely to buy them or even consider a second time. Your offer could even be a very lucrative discount.
It's Really Easy To Get Started
If the key metrics mentioned above got you intrigued enough then you are in luck. Because it is really easy to get started with such a tool. Most of the tools are free to sign up for.
And if you are a WordPress user, then consider yourself even luckier. Because you can even get a free plugin in the WordPress.org store that has even more features than the best non-WordPress solutions out there.
Yes, it's WooCommerce Conversion Tracking that we are talking about. It is completely free to download and install on your WordPress website. With its one-click configuration options, you won't get confused like the other ones out there. And there is also a paid version of it that offers even more features that would only skyrocket your business taking it to a new height.