WordPress multisite is one of the rarest features the CMS platform could offer. This feature allows you to create a bunch of websites under a single WordPress dashboard.

In case, you want to create WordPress multisite membership, it's also possible in a WordPress environment. You need to go for a WordPress multisite membership plugin to do the job at ease.

Well, we know, it's a complex idea if you are unfamiliar with the term. Don't worry, in this blog we will be discussing all the relevant things you should know about WordPress multisite membership, whether it is a wise decision to go for one or not, and we will also guide you on what should be your action next. Keep reading.

What is WordPress Multisite Membership – Definition and Example

WordPress multisite is a feature that allows companies, brands, and people to manage multiple websites (subdomains) from one single WordPress installation.

To be more specific, WordPress multisite lets you handle a bunch of different websites that are associated with your main WordPress site. Once you've login to your WP account, you can automatically log in to any site under its command.

Well, here's an example of WordPress multisite membership:

Suppose, fictional Meta University has launched its official website www.metauniversity.com which is based on WordPress and enabled multisite membership features. The members (teachers, students, and staffs) once sign in to their account, can automatically log in to different websites that are built for different faculty and organizations of the university. If you want to use physics department as a member of the site, the domain address would be look like physics.metauniversity.com.

So, WordPress multisite membership is designed to create a network of websites under a single WordPress domain. If someone becomes a member of this mother site, he/she can easily utilize the available child website under the mother domain.

When Do You Need a WordPress Multisite Membership Platform

The answer wouldn't be that complex though. You need multisite under a mother domain, only when you have to launch a handful of similarly themed child websites.

If you are running a real estate company, you may need a multisite membership plugin to let your real estate agents have a basic website. As a brand, it could be a wise decision to bring all of your websites under one roof and let the members use them with a single login. Also, there are many blogging or news networks that have allowed their members to maintain a personal blog. If you want to build such a network, you can go for WordPress multisite membership.

Well, here are some of the common types of cases when you should go for a WordPress multisite network-

  • You have a web magazine, that has different sections, and you recruited different team managers.
  • Any business website that has sub-domains (child sites) for different locations and branches.
  • NGO and GOVT. run activities in different locations with basic websites run under a mother website.
  • A blog network that has multiple blogs under its installation
  • Educational institutions that need several sub-sites under their main official websites

However, it's all about following some technical aspects when you are up to use WordPress multisite. WordPress sites need themes and plugins for design and functionality purposes. When you have multiple websites based on similar themes and plugins, it would be simpler to manage, it will be more secure and the load on the hosting will be less heavy.

Read: Best WordPress CMS Platforms Compared

Can You Use WordPress Multisite for Different Types of Websites

Suppose, you want to create WordPress multisite membership where you have websites that feature fisheries, restaurants, basketballs, healthcare, and cinemas. Is it possible to do so? The answer is in between yes and no, however, it requires a bit of explanation.

WordPress plugin that enables multisite membership feature has certain limitations. It requires similar themes and plugins to design the child websites under a mother theme. When you have a lot of different types of websites, you must install several other themes, or addons to maintain them which would be making your site slow and bring complexities while customizing.

Therefore, it wouldn't be a good practice to run a multisite membership platform unless you want to manage a network of websites that serves a common grand purpose and design.

WordPress Multisite Membership Plugin to Build A Multisite Platform

You can develop a WordPress multisite membership network by using several WordPress plugins. They have a lot of features and functionalities.

However, choosing one is tricky. You need to find out which types of multisite network you want to create, then keep your goal aligned with your website, figure out your scope, and then make a decision.

Right now, you can use WordPress plugins like Membership by WPMUdev, S2Member Pro, or Paid Membership Pro to create a multisite membership in WordPress.

Pros and Cons of WordPress Multisite Membership Network

Well, now that you know what is WordPress multisite network, is and in which cases you need one, it's time to know their benefits and drawbacks. This will let you understand whether you need a multisite before going for a membership website or not.

Pros of WordPress Multisite Membership

  • Full administrative control over all the sites under your WordPress dashboard
  • You can set different admins for each site as an administrator where you will have the central control
  • You are in full authority to install plugins and themes, and hosting management
  • A multisite network requires a central update to update all of your sub-domain
  • You can monitor all the site members in your membership sites at once, allow access, or remove one

Cons of WordPress Multisite Membership

  • Your multisite are built under one network, so when the mother site has a glitch or downtime, all the sub-domains also face the consequence
  • It's hard to keep track of the traffic and user behavior of a WordPress multisite membership network. If one site got unusual traffic, it may impact all the other site's traffic too.
  • Take more time to solve any technical issues
  • If one of your sites got hacked, it means all of your sites got hacked
  • Compatibility issues with some plugins and hosting service
  • Not suitable for SMEs and individual entrepreneurs

Well, out of the comparison between pros and cons, you can easily sort out that WordPress multisite membership is a complex network to manage for one person. Also, it takes a bit of deep technical knowledge and ample resources to develop one.

When You Need a WordPress Membership Site Rather Than a Multisite Platform

If you Have a small business, or you are an individual person who wants to coach, sell premium content, or share consultation, you may need a well-organized membership website. In such cases, multisite networks not going to work.

Suppose, you are a life coach and want to build a multisite network, where you can create a subdomain for consultation, and sell books, healthcare products, gym instruments, or arrange digital conferences. Do you really need a multisite membership platform? You don't need a different website for this. A WordPress membership site can provide you with all the features you need here.

You can create different pages and let your site members access premium content, schedule a meeting, submit a ticket, or even publish a guest blog.

Benefits of Using a WordPress Membership Site

Well, we're going to mention some of the potential reasons that lead you to choose a WordPress Membership site over a multisite membership network. Take a look –

Easier to Manage than the Multisite WordPress Membership

In a multisite membership, you need to manage several websites in a single platform which takes a heavy toll to manage. Comparably, a single WordPress membership site is easy to manage, as you only need to manage and follow up on the activities of your members.

Don't Need a Depper Technical Knowledge

Considering technical complexity, a membership plugin offers easy setups with configuration, hosting, and features. It is almost similar to installing, running, and managing any other WordPress website where running a multisite membership requires a bit more technical knowledge.

Don't need A variety of Plugins and Themes

You won't be needing a lot of plugins or themes to develop a membership website. For example, if you have a plugin like WP User Frontend Pro, it will suffice to give you all the necessary features and functionalities to build and manage a WordPress membership site.

It Easier to Keep Your Site Secured

We've already discussed this above. Here's one more thing- a membership website needs a security plugin, and you can personally look after the security breach all the time. On the contrary, a multisite membership network has a lot of subdomains, and if one got breached, all of your sites will be in trouble. So, the latter needs heavy security maintenance and effort.

WordPress Membership Plugins are more Affordable than Multisite Membership Plugin

If you compare the pricing, WordPress membership is significantly more affordable than the multisite membership plugin. As the first one offers a set of powerful features specially designed for single websites, whereas the latter one accomplishes more complexities for multiple subdomains.

How to Build a WordPress Membership Site at Ease

If you already have a WordPress site, you can turn it into a membership site anytime. However, it is better to build a WordPress membership site from scratch. To help you with that, a powerful WordPress plugin like WP User Frontend can be the right tool.

WPUF can help you create and manage all the subscription packages with their respective categories. WPF's subscription features include pay-per-post, content restriction, and guest posting. You can choose and combine those functionalities to develop a powerful subscription-based membership site.

Complementary Reads: How to Create a WordPress Membership Site and Make Money

Final Thoughts

Well, here we are. The goal of our discussion was to explain the job of a WordPress multisite membership plugin, and then find out whether you need it as an SME owner or an individual professional.

Our recommendation is this: multisite membership is only good for big organizations, more specifically for universities, real estate, or big hosting platforms like WordPress.com itself. If you are not amongst these groups and still need members and patrons to run your business, you have all your possibilities with WordPress membership sites.

We believe, that now you have out of all the confusion and make a decision about your next move. Cheers!

Written by

Kaji Enamul Islam

Enamul is an author of fiction, eCommerce, digital business, and WordPress. Addicted to stories, facts, movies, and books. Loves traveling to unusual places.