Insert field on registration form

This topic contains 8 reply and 3 voices, and was last updated by Sekander Badsha 9 years, 7 months ago
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September 9, 2014 at 1:36 pm 26530
Sekander Badsha Hello, i need to add some field on registration form for seller. I know that i must edit file find on dokan/includes/template-tags.php on line 367. So, i can add the field and show on front-end but this data not save and i can't see on backend. I need to add some new filed and show some exist field. For example i need to show on front end (in the seller registration form) the field about shipping address (address, state, city etc). How can i do that? Thank's
September 9, 2014 at 2:28 pm 26535
Federica Canton Federica Canton This reply has been marked as private.
September 10, 2014 at 3:46 pm 26587
Sk Sk


To add extra field in dokan registration form: navigate to dokan/includes/template-tags.php on line 446. edit the function dokan_seller_reg_form_fields() add extra fields you want.

To save those field: navigate to dokan/includes/wc-functions.php on line 1351. add those fields to the function dokan_on_create_seller() in $dokan_settings array.

To show those fields on dokan seller dashboard settings page:
navigate to dokan/class/template-settings.php on line 140 in function setting_field(). add your extra fields in this function.

To save dokan dashboard settings extra field: navigate to dokan/class/template-settings.php on line 82 in function insert_settings_info(). add your extra fields in this function to save.

thank you… 🙂

September 14, 2014 at 10:16 pm 26795
Federica Canton Federica Canton

Hello, thank’s much. I try to add in a child theme but not function. There are many problem with this Dokan version anche child theme (i use css and function child theme and also i like to create a child theme for this personalization).

And also how can i auto-activate a seller to insert the product after registration?

(Sorry i can’t edit the question past)


September 15, 2014 at 3:00 pm 26815
Sekander Badsha Sekander Badsha

Hello Federica,
The above was instruction about what is located where. You should write codes according that inside your child theme.

Navigate to Dokan > Settings > Selling Options > New Seller Enable Selling, check and save. This will enable the sellers start selling right after registering.

September 16, 2014 at 2:11 pm 26866
Federica Canton Federica Canton

Hello, i try to create a child theme insert this `/*
Theme Name: Dokan Child
Theme URI:
Description: Tema Child Dokan
Author: My Name
Author URI:
Template: dokan
Version: 0.1.0

But i can’t work on child theme and child file (function / header etc). Maybe any problem on theme?

September 18, 2014 at 7:08 pm 26981
Sekander Badsha Sekander Badsha

Here is the documentation for creating a child theme for Dokan:

Please read through all the docs. You’ll get a clear idea about what to do and how to do.

September 19, 2014 at 3:53 pm 27032
Federica Canton Federica Canton


i’ve read the documentation and i have a problem.

So i’ve create a new folder and a new file, style.css (similar es documentation):

Theme Name: Dokan child
Theme URI:
Description: A child theme for Dokan
Author: Wedevs
Author URI:
Template: dokan
Version: 1.0.5
License: GPL

/* Theme customization starts here 

.home .product-sliders li h3,
.home .product-sliders li .item-button a.fav,
.home .product-sliders li .item-buttom a.add_to_cart_button {
   color: #000;
   background-color: #f0f0f0;

And a function.php


define('THEMEROOT', get_stylesheet_directory_uri());
function scripts() {
     wp_enqueue_style( 'dokan-child-style', THEMEROOT . '/style.css', false, null );

add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'scripts',99);


I’ve active the child theme but..nothing function..

I need help. Thanks

September 22, 2014 at 6:18 pm 27189
Sekander Badsha Sekander Badsha

Please provide your admin login credentials in a private reply. I will have a look what is going wrong.

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