Lets Talk SALES TAX and the US — Help me out if you have tax feature on
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August 22, 2015 at 3:01 am 68492 | |
Whomever has their site working right and showing taxes for products being bought in same state for the items, Please let me know how. I cant imagine entering all the probably 1000's of tax areas by hand and how that would slow the site down. I need to have this work right like Etsy, the site its cloning which is fantastic and all, but how did you guys get the Tax feature to work? Did you enter it all in by hand or download CSV files somewhere What did you do? I dont want to make my site "all taxes Inclusive" just because I am not getting detailed answers I can figure out. Somebody willing to give me actual details that has this working right... Be a hero, Im drowning. Thanks | |
August 22, 2015 at 6:02 pm 68610 | |
Hello David, I did not understand your question clearly. Do you mean that you want to import 1000’s of tax areas to dokan? Can you please send me the CSV file. I will check on my trail server. Thanks | |
August 23, 2015 at 12:43 am 68658 | |
What I am saying is: In the United States, each person billing address is in its own tax area in the United States there are a LOT of tax areas, and hopefully I will have a decent amount of sellers So– How do I get all the sales tax info into my site so that sales tax automatically shows up in the cart correctly for each area that someone is buying from? Do I have to upload as many sales tax rates as there are sales tax disctricts in the United States? I would imagine so. Where do i get this information from, and how do I insert it? I do not have a CSV file for sales tax rates for the entire United States and this would be something changing and updating nearly daily What is the solution? What is Ebay and Etsy doing to make this work? | |
August 23, 2015 at 5:48 am 68667 | |
I am asking, Perhaps that should be your next product. To have a complete Dokan Solution. A tax CSV extension that updates as often as taxes update, You would sell a ton of that app or extension if compatible for WooCommerce and Dokan both But for now, Since I am obviously a multivendor store with Dokan, Am I supposed to enter all the different sales tax rates for the United States? My site would crash. How is Etsy doing it, so how should you solve it? Thanks | |
August 24, 2015 at 4:14 pm 68843 | |
Hello David, You must enter different sales tax for the different state. At the time of purchasing a product, the tax amount will be added at the checkout page. When a customer entered billing address, at that time tax will be assign automatically in the checkout page. To know how to enter different tax in the Dokan Rates, you can check this documentation – http://docs.woothemes.com/document/setting-up-taxes-in-woocommerce/. You can add as many rates as you want like the screenshot. If you are still feeling difficult please let me know I will elaborate it more. Thanks | |
August 25, 2015 at 3:23 am 68927 | |
Every state has many sales tax. More than you would ever imagine. Enough sales tax rates based on zip code to crash my private VPS top plan server doing it this way Any idea how Etsy and Ebay are doing it? tied to a cloud service or what? Do you have any clue how I can put all the tax rates without crashing What is the solution? Thank you | |
August 26, 2015 at 10:53 am 69081 | |
Hello David, We develop Dokan for universal business. But some times it may not be meet for all business completely because of some complexity. But there has a chance for extend the core structure. I have provided you a solution at my last post which is the best way for insert the CSV(screenshot). There is also an option on there “Import CSV”. You can also import all tax rates by this button. To import all the tax rates Without crashing the server you can just increase “max_input_vars” time. It will best if you discuss about this with your hosting company. Thanks |