Seller Biography – Feature request/Customization

This topic contains 1 reply and 2 voices, and was last updated by Sk 9 years, 11 months ago
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May 14, 2014 at 10:42 pm 20473
Sk Hi, Love your work! I want to allow my sellers to write a short description about their shop. So: 1) Feature Request: Edit/Display User Biography in Seller Settings & Shop page. Maybe in a box between "profile-frame" & "products". 2) I will use the "Address" field for this temporarily. a- Can i have your advice on translating "Address" in seller settings to "Biography"? b- How would i give it a character limit/warning? 3) Can i remove fields from the Seller settings page with a hook (e.g Map function)
May 15, 2014 at 4:12 pm 20514
Sk Sk

Hello Adam,

# ON next update dokan will have a hook on store page between “profile-frame” & “products”.

for now you could change the label ‘address’ to biography by edit this from dokan/classes/template-settings.php on line `355′ <em>(dokan version- 1.0.4)</em>

<label class="col-md-3 control-label" for="setting_address"><?php _e( 'Address', 'dokan' ); ?></label>
replace this by
<label class="col-md-3 control-label" for="setting_address"><?php _e( 'Biography ', 'dokan' ); ?></label>


in dokan/includes/template-tags.php at line 398
<label for="seller-address"><?php _e( 'Address', 'dokan' ); ?><span class="required">*</span></label>
replace it by
<label for="seller-address"><?php _e( 'Biography', 'dokan' ); ?><span class="required">*</span></label>

# To limit character on text area you could use <textarea maxlength="50">

# for map there is no hook now. we will add a filter for this.
but if seller leave the field blank then nothing will show there.

thank you

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