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January 27, 2015 at 10:48 pm in reply to: File changes and updates 35136
Kristin Kristin

Ha except it doesn’t show the current release nor the changes. Sigh.

January 27, 2015 at 10:47 pm in reply to: File changes and updates 35135
Kristin Kristin

great thanks.

link to changelog:

January 7, 2015 at 4:11 am in reply to: No puedo eliminar Tareas. 33517
Kristin Kristin

He is hovering over, his issue is the same one other’s, including myself have mentioned before. The edit tab is coming up under the admin menu panel. Either z-index needs to be fixed in your CSS or you need to constrict the container so it doesn’t keep loading under there and in most cases you cant even tell that it’s there. In cases you do see it, it is unusable because of the z-index of the menu taking priority. You guys should either fix this or at the very least make it a known issue. We get at least a person a month coming on here asking the same question. It definitely is an issue and it’s happens in the default themes.

January 7, 2015 at 1:47 am in reply to: Past Due Task Hook 33510
Kristin Kristin

It’s a good bit of code over several files.

December 5, 2014 at 3:14 am in reply to: How to assign a task to more than one user 31873
Kristin Kristin

It was extensive but we did this on our own. The extra grey fields are the other users assigned to each field. This is from a live production version so I had to blur user names. The second image shows the multi user select. In addition we added the ability to see when a due date has expired at glance by turning it red once it’s hit the due date. Turns yellow if its within 5 days.

I have to admit I find this plugin lacking in a few key areas. Support, while they at least try to answer calls for help or clarification, what you get is not overly helpful.

With that being said, if you are a capable developer you can usually do almost everything you need on your own as their code is relatively clean. I am not a huge fan of their MVC approach, I feel it limits it’s usability in a modular context, but their code is legible, organized and structured well. So there is that at least.


December 4, 2014 at 4:58 am in reply to: Project Manager Pro / Front End task by user 31754
Kristin Kristin

It was a similar question but that had to do with query by date, which we got working. I need to allow for queries by user so each user can have page dedicated to their tasks in the front end. Thats why I was curious as to why there was no shortcode. We can view projects by ID I figured tasks assigned to user by ID wouldn’t be that much farther of a stretch and one more way to sort the view or show independently.

Or even just a complete view of all users and their tasks on one page.

Looks like this will be one more way I add to your code base.

Kristin Kristin

I posted how to fix this in a previous post. I had to go in and fix this myself as I was having the same issue. The style sheet of their plugin is putting the actual edit buttons under the WP admin menu. Making them unusable. With a slight tweak you can restrict the size of their main content box and make the edit buttons usable again.


November 13, 2014 at 6:35 am in reply to: Re-order tasks by date 30348
Kristin Kristin

Thanks, seems to be working so far.

For anyone that might need this in the future. The filter / function that needs to be modified or expanded on is cpm_get_task . The date meta key is _due. I tried sorting by using 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', but it didnt like that so you have to use the plain meta_value and it seems to work.

November 11, 2014 at 11:04 pm in reply to: Re-order tasks by date 30238
Kristin Kristin

Will this overwrite the Jquery UI Sortable order that is stored in the DB?

November 6, 2014 at 10:44 pm in reply to: Re-order tasks by date 29870
Kristin Kristin

So I have to ask. I was poking around the front end plugin and I notice that those tasks are being pulled in order of date due. Can a developer tell me what is being called to order that in that due date order vs. the back end? I snooped around and didnt see anything obvious, is there a certain function I should be looking at?

November 6, 2014 at 1:03 am in reply to: Past Due Task Hook 29798
Kristin Kristin

I ended up writing a function to compare task date with the last 24 hours to see if it was expired and then echo’d a CSS class into “cpm-due-date” span. The bottom part is for our multiuser assign piece I finished. We can now assign tasks to multiple users. SUPER NICE!!!

                		// Check for due date and compare to todays date set a variable for CSS in the date due field
                    	$due_date = get_post_meta( $task->ID, '_due', true );
                    	if((time()-(60*60*24)) < strtotime($due_date)){
                    		//echo "your safe sucka";
                    		$cssduedate = "past-due";
                    	 	//echo "over due";
                    // Loop to look for all users assigned to task          
                    foreach ($task->assigned_to as $userID) {

October 31, 2014 at 12:04 am in reply to: Re-order Tabs in Front End 29485
Kristin Kristin

To open a different page other than “Activity” when clicking the projects link in Admin go to line 80 in includes/urls.php.

I modified mine to open Todo Lists as the default as opposed to Activities.

Specifically you will want to change:

$url = sprintf( '%s?page=cpm_projects&tab=project&action=single&pid=%d', admin_url( 'admin.php' ), $project_id );


    $url = sprintf( '%s?page=cpm_projects&tab=milestone&action=index&pid=%d', admin_url( 'admin.php' ), $project_id );
October 30, 2014 at 12:11 am in reply to: How to assign a task to more than one user 29403
Kristin Kristin

I think this would be hugely beneficial to this product. For the most part this plugin has been pretty great for us. With just a few more features I think this plugin would be perfect.


October 30, 2014 at 12:07 am in reply to: Including Todo list title in My Task section 29402
Kristin Kristin

Ok so I don’t know that its going wrong per say. I just think that it would be a lot more useful for my users to be able to see what “Todo List” their tasks are in when viewing in the “My Tasks” section.

So it already categorizes the tasks in projects like below.

But is there an action I can hook into to be able to show the todo lists that the tasks are in like when you see them in the projects pages?

I dont mind doing the work and have been trying to track it without success. I think just having the tasks broken up into lists within the project in the “My Tasks” section would be a lot more helpful without the ability to filter tags, etc.

October 29, 2014 at 11:54 pm in reply to: to do list page 29400
Kristin Kristin

Yeah I mentioned that in my comment above. I just wanted to reiterate that this is still an issue shipping with the plug. I am using the default Twenty Twelve Version: 1.5 and had to go into the plugins CSS and bump up the left padding of .cpm a bit so as not have it under the main admin menu.

Just thought it might help you guys in the future if someone brings is up again.




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