Top Essential WordPress Project Management Tools
Efficient project management is the backbone of any successful business organization. With the right project management tools at hand, you can easily meet deadlines, conduct proper communication, and organize the workflow, no matter if you are a small start-up or a large enterprise.
They can help you track your daily tasks, automate repetitive tasks, check regular progress, and enhance collaboration. This is more important, especially for those who are in charge of handling various project management activities.
So, in this article, we'll list and introduce you to the top and essential WordPress project management tools you need in this fast-paced business era. Let's explore them.
A Few Words About Project Management
We are currently living in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In this fast-moving age, efficiency and organization are keys to staying ahead. When you begin as a start-up, it may be possible to execute all the project tasks simply. But as you grow, things gradually become more complicated.
Some teams may have to work on multiple projects simultaneously. And at this situation, without the right systems and tools at hand, projects can get messy, deadlines may be missed, and team members will suffer. This is where project management tools can help you.
The tools and features needed for project management can vary depending on the type of project. Now, as the title of this post suggests, let's explore the best and most essential project management tools that can help you work more efficiently as a professional.
1. WordPress Kanban Board

Kanban Board is one of the top essential tools for project management that helps you manage your task based on its status. This Kanban board tool for WordPress is implementable for every team present in the company. Starting from engineering to marketing to admin.
The versatility of this tool helps the team members to move seamlessly across several functions such as moving a new feature of the software to the testing phase or a video content project from editing to graphic design. Another core benefit of the Kanban board is its responsiveness to project management applications.
This tool makes it possible to respond promptly to all the business needs of your company. The visual system of the Kanban board streamlines the workflow of your project and reduces overhead. This process makes it easier to review and make improvements faster. This tool will empower your teams to make rapid decisions.
This improves the reformation and efficiency to move the project forward. Moreover, it brings back quality control into the project management process, resulting in more accurate and positive outcomes.
2. Subtask Manager

Normally a project manager has a task to-do list within the project. But what if you want to break down those tasks into small subtasks to make project management less complicated? This is exactly what this essential sub-task manager tool does for a project manager. This Sub Task Manager tool allows you to easily create multiple Sub Task within the main task to do. It has templates that define all the commonly used sets of Sub Tasks.
At the time of a bulk subtask, it allows the entry of every additional information that might be essential to get the task done. Not just that it also automatically copies fields from the main task to make life easier for the user. Easily specify values for assigning tasks, including their description, due date, project estimation, custom fields, etc. It creates subtasks as a part of the workflow transition with optional conditions. Also, you are able to remove or delete bulk Sub Tasks for a single screen with this awesome Sub Task manager tool for your Project Management.
So, simply put, with this essential tool for your project manager, instead of creating too many To-Do items, you can create fewer to-do items with a much broader list of tasks within each of those items.
3. Task Time Tracker

For most companies, tracking time of employees' productive time on a project is one of the most difficult things to do. Even though it is one of the essential elements for successful project management. Without proper time tracking it is not possible to find out how the employees are utilizing the time allotted to complete the project. So this amazing tool of project manager plays a key role in the success ratio of your project.
So, Task Time Tracker identifies the non-essential activities in your project. Meaning it helps you track the time that you have wasted on non-essential activities. This tool also allows you to realize whether you are aligned with your project goal or not. When you track how you are spending your time, you’ll be able to see whether you are on the right track to accomplish your company goals or not. As a result, this also helps you to identify and clarify the project goals as well.
Moreover, with this time tracking option, you will always be able to compare the initial estimates of project completion time with the actual time it took to complete it. This comparison very effectively allows you to make required adjustments to reorganize any similar future tasks.
4. Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart helps you visualize the project timelines and progress. As we have already said, for better management, an entire project is usually divided into various small tasks or milestones. Using the Gantt Chart, you can showcase those tasks, deadlines, and dependencies in bar chart format in a clear and structured way.
It enables team members to see what needs to be done to move to the next step, who is responsible for the respective sub-tasks, and the dependencies involved. You can even set the start & end dates, adjusting the timelines with a drag-and-drop function. This simplifies the organization of the workflow and deadline management.
5. WooCommerce Order

This feature automates project management for WooCommerce stores. The plugin automatically creates projects based on the pre-set conditions whenever customers place an order. As a result, after receiving an order, all the necessary steps involved till its delivery are automatically divided into small sub-tasks.
Then, team members are assigned the sub-tasks and notified to complete them in due time. Thus, this module of the plugin helps keep everything organized. This tool is extremely helpful for online stores that have to handle hundreds to thousands of orders each day.
6. Invoice Manager

Going through the manual paper-based process of generating invoices creates a number of errors. This eventually results in a higher cost per invoice and lower operational efficiency. Fortunately, it isn't the same nowadays. Thanks to the new automated invoice manager that makes invoice generating much easier than it ever was.
So, the invoice manager saves a lot of your valuable time by getting you rid of the manual process of generating an invoice. With an electronic invoice, all the authorized members, including the managers and accountants, can follow this same digitally generated invoice through the system with ease. If required, any of them can view, print, or share the invoice at any point in the process. The manager can also make a comment, review, and approve/disapprove the invoice if needed. Not only does this automated invoice manager save time, but it also saves a lot of money. With such a digital invoice-generating facility, operational efficiency increases a number of times.
It reduces the physical storage that it takes up in the form of papered invoices in the office. Besides that, it helps you to practice the ‘greener' environment theory by reducing the amount of paper usage in the office. So this means this tool is not only environment-friendly but also helps you cut the cost of office utilities. Additionally, this electronic invoice facility increases security with fewer paper invoices stored in vulnerable areas that can be stolen or forged. When the files are kept digitally, they are never misplaced or defaced as they go through the invoice process.
7. Stripe Payment Gateway

After generating a digital invoice, it would be inconvenient for any company to ask for the payment manually. This is why this essential tool ensures a secured gateway to hassle-free payment. Through this popular Stripe payment gateway, it is possible to bill your client automatically. It is low in cost among other available payment solutions.
This payment gateway solution is essentially used to take payments via credit cards. It is an ideal solution for payment processing at a reasonable cost. The process of signing up with Stripe is very easy, as it asks for very minimal information. The integration of Stripe is really simple with most project manager software due to its easy API key-oriented integration option. It also offers multiple language libraries. So users of many language barriers are also able to make payments without needing to reveal too much information.
With Stripe, making an online payment is made fast and easy with the choice given of how often you wish to make the payment. So, no matter whether you have a business or want to use it as a private individual, this tool is suitable for both types of users. Stripe is a great payment system that can help make a payment via the Internet much simpler.
Final Thoughts
To be honest, it is actually a common forte for any good project manager to be able to create project plans, distribute work, track task time, estimate project budget, etc. But these things aren't enough to manage a project successfully. You need to have the skills to organize the task as well as keep your team members well-informed and happy. The blend of all these things, along with the right project management tools, is what can make a project successful in a quicker time.
I hope through this post, we have managed to let you inform how these essential project management tools boost your company's growth and development in a more progressive and professional manner.
WordPress, a comprehensive project management software, consists of project management tools that steadily enhance the productivity and proficiency of the company. One such Project Management plugin for your WordPress site is WP Project Manager Pro.
If you are not using any project manager plugin right now but want to have a better idea of how WP Project Manager works, then you can also try out the official demo.
And if you are already using our or any other project management solution for your company then do share your experience or suggestions in the comments below.