Registration and Profile

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1. Can users edit their profile from frontend?

Yes, this is a built in feature of WP User Frontend Pro. Users can edit their complete profile including changing profile pictures from frontend. Even the custom fields will appear on the frontend profile!

2. Can I charge the users for signing up on my site?

Yes, WP User Frontend has built in feature for charging the users while signing up. But this system charges the user for creating posts, NOT for just signing up on your site. If you want to charge your users for registering and creating posts differently, then it is not possible. You have to custom code it by hiring a developer.

3. Can users upload files while registering?

Yes, you can use any element while building the registration form, including, image and all kind of WordPress permitted files.

4. Is it possible to add the newly registered users to my subscriber list?

Yes, you can add your newly registered users to your MailChimp and MailPoet subscription list. But this feature is not built in. You have to purchase the plugin and our extension to make them work together.

5. Can current users edit/upload profile picture?

Yes, logged in users can update their profile picture from edit profile page that contains profile form shortcode.

6. I placed registration / edit profile shortcode and still I can't see the form. Any ideas how to make it workable?

Make sure that Membership option is enabled from wp-admin > Settings > General.

7. How to configure reCAPTCHA for registration and posting form?

Check the guideline here for configuring reCAPTCHA.

8. I added the shortcode to a page, and i'm seeing this “User registration disabled, please contact the admin to enable.’’. What should I do?

You have to enable membership option from wp-admin > Settings > General. Now, check on the front-end, user can register using front-end registration form.

9. Where does the user registration and profile information saves?

It's just the standard user meta fields. They are saved with meta_key you provide. You can pull the information by this: <?php echo get_user_meta( $user_id, ‘meta_key', true ); ?>

10. After a user register, I would like them to be auto logged in. Do I need to write my own function, or does wp user front end have a built in function?

To do this you just need to enable Auto Login After Registration option from wp-admin > User Frontend > Settings > Login/Registration.

11. How can I redirect my newly registered users to a specific page/URL after registration?

Navigate to wp-admin > User Frontend > Registration Forms > Edit a registration form > Settings > General, for Redirect to option select the page where you want to redirect the users after successful submission.

12. How can I redirect my registered users to a specific page/URL after login?

Include the following lines of code toward the end of your functions.php, which is located in your theme folder.

add_filter('wpuf_login_redirect', 'login_redirect');
function login_redirect($redirect){

 $redirect =	home_url('/account') ; //or '';  
return $redirect;

14. Is it possible to include the fields that are part of the Registration Forms into the User Profile in wp-admin?

Navigate to wp-admin > User Frontend > Settings > Login/Registration, now select registration form for user roles. These forms will be used to populate extra edit profile fields in the back-end.

15. How can users edit their own profile information on the front-end?

Create a new page by adding [[wpuf_account]] shortcode and save the page. It will allow users to edit their profile from the front-end, but it has limited fields. If you want to keep the edit profile page same according to the registration form you created, then just copy a profile type registration form shortcode  (e.g: [wpuf_profile type=”profile” id=”15″] ) and add it by creating a new page. That page will contain all the fields of the registration form and the user can update their profile information.

16. How to create Login page by using this plugin?

Create a new page by inserting [wpuf-login] shortcode and save it, now navigate to wp-admin > User Frontend > Settings > Login/Registration, for Login page option select the page which contains [wpuf-login] shortcode.

17. I placed registration / edit profile shortcode and still I can't see the form. Any ideas how to make it workable?

Make sure that Membership option is enabled from wp-admin > Settings > General.