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The Invoices page can be found in wp-dashboard→User Frontend→Settings.

The Invoices page lets you tweak several options relating to billing and invoice.


  1. Enable Payments: To start sending invoices for completed payments, you first have to enable this option. Select Yes from the drop-down.
  2. Show Invoices and Billing Address: Select from the drop-down if you want to show Billing Address and Invoices where [wpuf_account] is located.
  3. Set Invoice Logo: This sets the company Logo to be used in your invoices.
  4. Set Invoice Color: Set the color code to be used in invoices.
  5. From Address: This sets the payment information title of the Invoice.
  6. Invoice Title: This sets the payment information title of the Invoice.
  7. Invoice Paragraph: This sets the payment information paragraph of the Invoice.
  8. Invoice Footer: This sets the footer of the Invoice.
  9. Invoice Filename Prefix: This sets the filename prefix of the Invoice.
  10. Set Invoice Mail Subject: This sets the mail subject of the Invoice.
  11. Set Invoice Mail Body: This sets the mail body of the Invoice.

For more on how to create payment invoices, read this related article.