Profile Builder
It is Quick
Registration forms can get quite long and have several different kinds of fields that need to be combined. With our registration form builder, it becomes really easy because all the forms you need to create this type of forms are already arranged. Each submission with this form will create a user based on the user role you select

Editing and Updates Supported
With a little setting, form submissions become profiles that can be updated and used for other purposes. So, each user on your site can have their individual profiles and edit them on the fly.

Frontend Profile Edit
No need to go to the backend to update your profile, do it from frontend, FTW!

Avatar Upload
Gives the ability to users to upload their own profile pictures. Locally hosted to your WordPress installation. Also it supports avatars from Gravatar, gravatar and locally uploaded avatars works side by side.

Build User Profile Forms on the Fly
Don't like the default WordPress profile edit form? No problem, build your own custom profile form. Add as many fields you need.

Custom Fields Support
Add custom field to user profile from 13+ field types.

User Profiles in Backend Too!
Not only in the frontend, it generates the custom elements that you created also in the admin profile area.

Different User Role Registration
Create different registration forms for different user roles.

Build Your Own Registration Form
Want to register your users with extra sets of informations? You can do that with our dynamic form builder. Build your own sets of registration elements as you need.