Frontend Posting

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Frontend Posting page can be found in wp-dashboard→User Frontend→Settings.

This page allows you to change various posts, forms, and other frontend-related features for users and guests.


1. Edit Page: From this drop-down, select the page where it it is located.

2. Default Post Owner: From this drop-down, select the user who you want to assign the posts if guest post is enabled and user details are OFF.

3. Custom Fields in post: Enable this checkbox to show custom fields on post content area.

4. Insert Photo Image Size: Select from this drop-down the default image size of “Insert Photo” button in post content area.

5. Insert Photo Image Type: Select from this drop-down the default image type of “Insert Photo” button in post content area.

6. Enable Image Caption: Enable this checkbox to allow users to update image/video title, caption, and description.

7. Default Post Form: Select from this drop-down the Fallback form for post editing if no associated form is found.