6 Easy & Effective Ways to Increase Engagement on Instagram (Guide for Entrepreneurs)
Looking for effective ways to increase you eCommerce sales with Instagram? You've come to the right place.
It may amaze you, Instagram has over 1.28 billion monthly active users over the world.
Online shopping gets popular day by day due to its easy transaction and handful options. As an online retailer you may implement several strategies to promote your brand. Instagram could be a strong tool to support your online business as well.
In this article, we will show you how to boost your eCommerce sales with popular social media like Instagram.
Popular Social Media Platforms to Promote Your Online Store
We live a life of ‘like and share' today. On average people spend 2 hours 22 minutes on social media every day.
From checking the current traffic of the highway to book an air ticket we rely on online services.
Social media broadens our surroundings and scope to share our views.
The increasing popularity of social media makes it an effective way to build a connection with your consumers.
You can promote your business on popular social media and reach your targeted audience very easily by increasing your visibility. on the internet.
Popular Social Media Platforms
- YouTube
- Pinterest etc.
Why Instagram is Important to Boost Your eShop
68% of Instagram users engage with brands regularly where for Facebook it's only 32%.
Instagram supports a simple way to share images and videos instantly from your life. As people love to visualize their imagination than just reading the plain text the popularity of Instagram is getting upward drastically.
In 2019, Instagram has 1 billion monthly active users, among them 500 million users daily log onto this social network and have active interaction.

Therefore, if you are an eShop owner and want to introduce your brand in front of your targeted audience, Instagram can be a wide platform for your brand awareness.
You have to increase your business visibility to get more customers to your shop.
Check this Top Instagram User Stats For Marketers here.
By posting your product updates on a popular platform you can ensure more customer interaction for your brand.
Moreover, Instagram users post more than 40 billion photos and share an average of 95 million videos and photos in a single day.
It allows the user easy mobile access for buying your products.
As a result, your brand voice gets louder here and attract more audience to your brand and convert them into a loyal customer.
For getting a larger audience and improve engagement reputed business owners rely on Instagram. It is the best way to promote their products and services.
Consequently, to get real consumers and increase your brand value you must include Instagram in your Social Media campaigns.
How to Improve eCommerce Sales with Instagram

The main motive of every business is the same, spread the business arena among the target audience, make more loyal customers, increase sales, earn more revenue and grow business fast.
To get this ultimate goal you need to get more and more traffic to your eCommerce site.
If you can gain the trust of your audience they will convert into your potential customers and will work as a loyal review for your business.
For instance, Instagram gives you an opportunity to build a buyer community for your brand and showcase your products to them.
People love to get reviews from real users. Instagram allows them to interact with others who have already used your products or services.
A real-time conversation with product users or brands helps to build trust and it eventually broadens your loyal customer's list.
6 Easy & Effective Ways to Increase Engagement on Instagram
If you can maintain your Insta right, it will help you to drive more traffic to your business site, and eventually, they will become your loyal customer for your eShop.
Therefore, you must post high-quality and colorful images here that viewers can get a clear idea about your products from all dimensions.
To boost your post and reach more people you must post something useful, unique, interesting, fun, or something people get attracted to. The more people get engaged with your post the more Instagram will spread the post to others.
Furthermore, use related hashtag # with your post as it will describe your brand or services and also your potential audience will find you easily.
For example, you sell shoes in your eShop and stock new product for the new year. Then you can post some amazing images of the new shoes along with the hashtag #NewArrival #Brandname #NewYearShoes etc.
You can tag someone by using the sign “@” to give a personal notification to that person. In that way, their audience will also see your post and your brand will get more engagements.
1. Do Proper Research before Starting
If you run a business for a specific location then add geo-tagging with your post that your potential buyers can find you when they search on Instagram by location.
It's a great way to build trust and get your neighborhood followers as your loyal buyers.
Remember one thing, the people who search for a service by the location have a high possibility to get it immediately. So, it's easy to convert these types of people into regular consumers.
You can build a community consists of your targeted audience that you can easily introduce or expand any news or offers regarding your business very swiftly.
Partnership with those who offer complementary products or services to your business can be a potent way to gain more trust in increasing buyers' satisfaction and get them to stick to your service.
2. Create Engaging Content Consistently
The only way of spreading any business widely is to give the best experience to your buyers.
On Instagram, you have to publish your business-related post that is useful to the readers. And it must be a media file as I have already told Instagram users are more likely to come for visual pleasure.
Always offer something better than your competitors and find out the requirements of your consumers. If you can post according to their needs, it will increase their trust in your brand.
If need goes for open conversation with them. Get an honest review from the users and be polite with them either it's positive or not.
What can be a better option to get reviews from potential buyers than Instagram?
You can arrange some contests or Giveaways to make your audience closer to your brand. In present days it's a very common event for Social Media Marketers to attract their consumers by offering some tempting coupons or special gifts.
If you can make them use your product one time and they get satisfied with your service, there is a high possibility to convert them into your lifetime advisor.
3. Collaborate with Industry Influencers
Instagram influencer marketing is one of the quickest growing consumer acquisition systems agreed by around 40% of the marketer. As a billion-dollar market, it is the future of product promotion.
But as a new user, you may have some doubt about the ROI. Most of the marketer find it effective around 80% cases.
Instagram influencer marketing is not a basket of film stars activity.
It is more about the people who create great content and communicate with their followers. They are very much knowledgeable about the content and topic.
However, they know better about the audience.
The most convenient way to find the real influencer for your niche is by asking for help from Google. You can also ask for help from some websites like Hello Society, Revfluence, BuySell Shout out, etc.
While selecting the influencer, you must be careful about the engagement rate. The high engagement rate means the influencer has a better understanding of the audience.
If an influencer has around 100K followers with 3 engagement scores, it gives the opportunity to get sales for 300 units. Specific Instagram account have their followers and engagement requirement to become an influencer.
4. Run Instagram Ads
Instagram is a proven way to drive traffic to eCommerce websites, generate sales leads for your eShop and promote your business effectively.
Instagram has its own set of communities that are very active and decide to see ads on Instagram.
After integration with Facebook, the opportunity of the Instagram ads increase to reach more people.
The USA is the largest market in the world where 35% of people use Instagram. 75% of them decide from the Instagram ads or visit the link.
The best option for Instagram CPC needs around $0.8 on average.
There are five types of Instagram ads like Video, Photos, Stories, Collections, Carousel, etc. The easiest way to add links to your eShop relevant product with each ad.
For eShop, the Carousel Advertising system is most suitable because it contains both information sharing and call-to-action purchasing.
As Instagram is a product of Facebook, you can advertise either through a business page or through direct Instagram.
For advertising about eShop on Instagram, you should take care of the following lines-
- You must have a complete understanding of your audience.
- As there is a limitation of using words on Instagram, you should be very careful and try to create something to satisfy your mind.
- Hashtagging is one of the best marketing features of Instagram which can boost traffic 26%.
- Try to reach your customers by using direct and passive engagement.
- You should be consistent for all of your ads
- Regularly evaluate the performance and optimize the ads accordingly.
Engaging more customers is easy on Instagram than Facebook and Twitter. You do not need to put high effort to make eShop popular.
Only a few wise and tricky parts can help you to grow the eShop business to a sustainable level.
5. Leverage the Power of Instagram Analytics
It's not enough to post engaging content or giving paid ads, you should have a clear knowledge over the performance of your brand on Instagram.
- Which type of post works better?
- What time or season is best for potential audience reach?
- How relevant was the audience of the influencer you paid to?
- What is the quality of traffic referred by Instagram?
You can optimize your business profile and increase the possibility to grab reliable buyers for your eShop by analyzing your business account performance through Instagram Insight.
It's a built-in facility of Instagram as soon as you convert your account into a business profile it appears automatically in the right upper corner of your profile with a bar graph icon.
If you can able to track the analytical result properly and execute your next strategies according to the insight you will definitely grow eventually and drive more buyers for your business.
- Find those post which gets more likes, comments, and share
- Notice the time and days when you get the maximum audience.
- If some of your posts get less like or comment but still drive traffic for your shop then improve the quality of the image and post them in the peak time
- If you get regular visitors from any specific area or community, you better post something special targeting them to make them more attached to your brand.
Instagram insight is a useful add-on to monitor the growth toward your company goal. It helps you to grow fast and get more buyers for your eShop by executing your plan in an effective way.
6. Utilize Tools to Boost eCommerce Sales with Instagram
You can use different free yet useful tools to amplify the user experience.
Photo Editors: You must use a high-quality image on Instagram as your followers intent to judge your brand through visualization.
You can use Canva or Aviary if you don't have enough knowledge of photo editing. If you want something more professional and unique Adobe Photoshop will be the best option for you
Hashtag research: This tool is useful to find the relevant Hashtag for your business.
- Websta.me
- Trendsmap.com
You can also use tools to schedule your post, repost the content, generate reports, and so on.
You can offer your followers some easy ways to interact directly with your brand.
Send a direct message on Instagram DM if they show interest in your product
Use the short link of the landing page with the post but remember you can't make it clickable.
Maintain continuity in post type and time
Bonus: Create a Business Account on Instagram
75 percent of Instagram users take action, such as visiting a site, buying products or services, after liking a post on Instagram.
Therefore you have a high possibility to grow your business fast and convert the visitors to your potential customers easily.
Instagram allows you to open a business account that has some extra facilities to reach more consumers for your shop.
And it's completely free!
9 Steps to Prepare A Perfect Business Account on Instagram
- If you never use Instagram, first download the app from Apple iOS, Google Play, or Windows app stores.
- Launch the app, and create an account in one of two ways:
Option 1: Sign up with your email address or phone number, and then enter a username.
Option 2: If you have a Facebook account, you can log in with the same information and link the account. - Go to your profile and tap Account.
- Tap Switch to Business Profile and select the Facebook Page you’d like to associate with your Business Profile
- Make sure your profile is set to Public. Note: Private accounts can’t switch to Business Accounts.
- Review your business’s contact information, make required changes and tap Done.
- Write your bio preciously that viewers can get an overview of your business. Add your website link here. Note: This is the only opportunity to include a clickable link that will create direct leads to your website.
- The more you expose, the chance of exposure will get high. In the settings menu, use the “Invite Facebook friends” option
- Now fill your gallery with related images and videos to communicate with your audience in your brand voice.
Before Ending
Instagram becomes a broad platform for throwing your brand voice to your target audience. You can easily take advantage of its active and engaged users to reach your potential buyers and generate sales.
You need a powerful online presence to get more traffic on your site. Our proven Instagram marketing tips will help you to convert more viewers into your regular customer and you will get more hits on your shopping cart.